The Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass

The Roux-en-Y gastric bypass is a well-established bariatric procedure with over 50 years of research and is often considered the “gold standard” in weight loss operations.

How is this procedure performed?

Using minimally invasive laparoscopic techniques, the gastric bypass is a safe and efficient procedure. It involves creating a small gastric pouch and redirecting food away from most of the stomach and a small portion of the small intestine. This operation can be reversed if needed. The precise mechanism of how it works involves complex hormonal interactions that regulate blood glucose and satiety (feeling of fullness).


  • Safety: The gastric bypass has a low mortality rate (< 0.1%) and a low rate of major complications (< 3%).
  • Long-term weight loss: Studies show that patients who undergo gastric bypass maintain weight loss of over 70% of their excess weight in the long term.
  • Improved health: The gastric bypass offers significant improvements in various obesity-related conditions such as diabetes, sleep apnea, hypertension, cholesterol levels, fatty liver, and fertility. It also acts as an excellent anti-reflux operation.


  • Ulcer risk: If taking NSAIDs or smoking, there is a higher risk of developing ulcers in the stomach pouch.
  • Potential complications: While rare, there is a small risk of bowel obstruction from internal hernia and dumping syndrome (low blood sugar). As with any surgery, RYGB carries potential risks, including bleeding, infection, and blood clots. These risks will be discussed with you by Dr. Jason Robertson and our team.
  • Commitment to a healthy lifestyle: Long-term success with RYGB requires a commitment to a balanced diet and regular exercise to maintain weight loss and overall health.
  • Follow-up care: RYGB requires ongoing follow-up care, including regular check-ups, vitamin supplementation and monitoring of nutritional status and overall well-being.

Recovery Time:

As a guide, most patients need 1-2 nights in hospital post-op, and depending on the work in which you are employed, anywhere from 7-14 days off work. No heavy lifting should be undertaken during the first 6 weeks after surgery but regular mobilisation is important to assist your recovery.

The Silastic Ring in Gastric Bypass Surgery:

In gastric bypass surgeries a silastic ring can be placed around the new stomach pouch. This ring can enhance the feeling of fullness and help with better portion control, aiding in weight loss and long-term weight management. Placement of a silastic ring is not suitable for everyone, and in a small percentage of cases, additional surgery may be required to remove it. Dr Jason Robertson and our team can provide you with all the necessary information to determine if the placement of a silastic ring during your gastric bypass surgery is right for you.

Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass

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If you’re considering the Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass, Dr. Jason Robertson and our caring team are here to provide you with all the information and support you need to make an informed decision and achieve success.